Monday, October 24, 2011

Gaki No Tsukai Episode #1077

Episode Number: 1077

Episode Title:なるほど ザ。なぞなぞ ワールド
(Indeed, The World of Riddles!)

Broadcast Date: Sunday October 23rd 2011

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Important Vocabulary:
司会(しかい): Host
以降(いこう): Since
なぞなぞ: Riddles, puzzles.
目覚める(めざめる): Wake up.
逃避(とうひ): Escape, evasion.
後輩(こうはい): Junior at work/school.
穏やか(おだやか): Calm
おもろい:(Kansai-Ben) Interesting, amusing
蚊(か): A mosquito
年齢(ねんらい): Age
晩酌(ばんしゃく): An evening drink.
小遣(こずかい): Pocket money
いい加減にしろ: "That's enough!"
腐ったパン(ふったぱん): stale(?) bread.
教示(きょうじ) Instructions.
至って(いたって) Very much so, exceedingly.

Episode Summary:
Matsumoto arrives in the Gaki rec-room, and says he's been asked to play the role of a Host. It seems that Hamada has been depressed since the 2008 market crash ("Lehman shock" Matsumoto calls it). But recently, Matsumoto says, Hamada has found a hobby: RIDDLES. Riddles have "woken him up" (rejuvenated him.)
Yamasaki, for one, finds this interesting, and wants to help out. Matsumoto thought the others would want to avoid the whole situation, and furthermore, he doesn't want to see his juniors join in half-heartedly. With this said, everyone agrees to help out.
They meet Hamada (dressed to the hilt) on a studio set. (notice Hamada's stumble, one of many clumsy moments he's had in recent shows, for example, burning himself in last week's episode.)
Hamada introduces his "show" with great enthusiasm and Yamasaki finds it very amusing ("high tension, indeed!").
There are some preliminaries, and the first riddle is given:
Q: What is it that if you run and run from, you chase?
The answers are:
Yamasaki: A shadow.
Endou: A mosquito
Yamasaki: A criminal?
Endou: Time

Hamada is a little flustered that they can't get it, but Yamasaki thinks his answer (a shadow) is correct. Still, Matsumoto is angered that no one is raising their hand, and no one understands!
As Hamada is giving up on the first riddle, Yamasaki wants to know what the answer is. We are given the answer, however:
A: Age (years.)

The regulars agree to raise their hands before answering, and the second question is on!
Q: What is it that Papa asks of Mama?
Yamasaki: An drink in the evening!
Endou: Marmalade (mama-redu)
Yamasaki: Mama-Lemon (a dish washing liquid!) (this is easily the funniest answer in the whole show, and Endou and later Matsumoto and Hamada have difficulty keeping a straight face.)
Tanaka: "How about pocket money?"
Yamasaki opens his trap again and Matsumoto really blows up for the first time this eipsode. "That's enough!" he screams, "What do you mean 'MAMA LEMON?!?"
Yamasaki still wants to know the answer, though, as the riddles are hard! He explains this as Hamada leaves, and Matsumoto starts to lay into the guys. They should have maintained a more lively tempo. After apologizing, Hamada and his helpers agree to give it another go.
10 minutes later...

Q: What kind of Pan (bread) can't you eat?
Yamasaki: A frying pan!
Endou: Ji-Pan! (Jeans)
Yamasaki: "What about STALE bread?"

Once again upset at the low quality of the answers, Hamada has had enough.

"Do you lot understand your instructions?," asks Matsumoto derisively when he's gone. "Don't you want to do this?"
"We want to do it, but the questions are a little hard," says Yamasaki.
Matsumoto isn't satisfied, and points out that Tanaka has barely said a word yet!
After Matsumoto reprimands the regulars, they're back to the dressing room to convice Hamada to return. Matsumoto is particular in making the regulars say they want to do RIDDLES one more time. Tanaka cracks Hamada up saying he wants to do "riddle questions" again.
"Do you REALLY want to do this?" asks Matsumoto, in a fit of hysterics. "Then tell Hamada!"
Tanaka obliges, "I want to do riddles with all my heart."

"Will Hamada Return to the Studio?" asks the title blurb before the commercial break. And...

He does return. "Let's do it!" he says.

Q: What is it that no matter how much you cut and cut, you can't cut?
Yamasaki: Air
Endou: A handle (car steering wheel?)
Endou: A diamond.

Soon Hamada breaks and takes it out on Tanaka. "If you're not going to do anything, go home!"
Matsumoto takes up the abuse. "If you can't do riddles, don't come to Nippon TV!"
"I'll do it, really, I'll do it," says Tanaka, but quickly, and against his protests, they're stuffing him in a taxi.
"DO YOU WANT TO DO RIDDLES?" shouts Matsumoto, and Tanaka answers meekly "I want to do it."
Matsumoto pulls him aside, saying "If you felt good (during the riddle show) then SAY IT TO HAMADA! TELL HIM PROPERLY THAT 'I WANT TO DO RIDDLES'!"
Then, in turn, he has the regulars show "I WANT TO DO RIDDLES!"
To which Hamada replies, "Well, there's no real reason to..." (roll on snare drum)

Episode Analysis:

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! I watched this show, but had no idea what was going on at the end. "I want to do riddles!" lol
