Since last week's episode (#1084) featured the Shichi-Henge of Nakagawa Reiji (
There's a couple of similar lists floating around the internet, but I thought I'd take a stab to increase my familiarity with the series. In collecting the links to the episodes below, I found several that I haven't yet seen.
The following table lists all Shichi Henge episodes of GnT as of December 11th, 2011. Upon subsequent Shichi-Henge episodes (they seem to come once every six months or so) I will update this list and repost.
Episode Number | Broadcast Date | Performer (pronunciation) [Combi] | Amount Eearned | Misc. |
753 | April 17th, 2005 | 河本準一(こうもと じゅんいち) [次長課長(じちょうかちょう)] Koumoto Jyunichi from JichyouKachou | ¥63,000 | WATCH |
1066 | August 7th, 2011 | 黒沢かずこ[森三中] Kurosawa Kazuko from Morisanchuu | ¥55,000 | WATCH |
941 | February 8th, 2009 | 哲夫(てつお)[笑い飯] Tetsuo from WaraiMeshi | ¥53,000 | |
635 | November 24th, 2002 | Bob Sapp | ¥53,000 | WATCH |
887 | January 13th, 2008 | 小杉竜一(こすぎ りゅういち)[ブラックマヨネーズ] Kosugi Ryuichi from Black Mayonnaise | ¥48,000 | WATCH |
1021 | September 12th, 2010 | 友近(ともちか) Tomochika Yukiko | ¥47,000 | WATCH |
994 | February 28th, 2010 | 日村勇紀(ひむら ゆうき)[バナナマン] Himura Yuuki from Bananaman | ¥46,000 | |
852 | April 29th, 2007 | 原西孝幸(はらにし たかゆき)[FUJIWARA] Haranishi Takayuki from FUJIWARA | ¥45,000 | WATCH |
487 | November 7th, 1999 | 竜泉(りゅうせん)[構成作家] Ryuusen (TV Scenario writer) | ¥44,000 | |
731 | November 7th, 2004 | 千原靖史(ちはら こうじ)[千原兄弟(ちはらきょうだい)] Chihara kouji from Chihara Brothers | ¥43,000 | WATCH |
1084 | December 11th, 2011 | 中川礼二(なかがわ れいじ) Nakagawa Reiji | ¥42,000 | WATCH |
978 | November 1st, 2009 | ケンドーコバヤシ Kendo Kobayashi | ¥41,000 | |
387 | September 28th, 1997 | 田中直樹[ココリコ] Tanaka Naoki from Cocorico | ¥40,000 | |
695 | February 15th, 2004 | 有田哲平(ありた てっぺい)[くりぃむしちゅー] Arita Teppei from Kuriimushichuu | ¥38,000 | WATCH |
799 | April 2nd, 2006 | 後藤輝基(ごとう てるもと)[フットボールアワー] Godou Terumoto from Football Hour | ¥38,000 | WATCH |
1004 | May 9th, 2010 | 設楽統(したら おさむ)[バナナマン] Shitara Osamu from Bananaman | ¥37,000 | WATCH |
397 | November 23rd, 1997 | 腰フリおばちゃん "Free Hips Obachan" | ¥37,000 | |
1041 | February 6th, 2011 | 川島邦裕(かわしま くにひろ)[野性爆弾(やせいばくだん)] Kawashima Kunihiro from Yasei Bakudan | ¥35,000 | WATCH |
844 | February 25th, 2007 | 藤本敏史(ふじもと としふみ)[FUJIWARA] Fushimoto Toshifumi from FUJIWARA | ¥35,000 | WATCH |
792 | February 5th, 2006 | 岩尾望(いわお のぞむ)[フットボールアワー] Iwao Nozomu from Football Hour | ¥33,000 | WATCH |
625 | September 8th, 2002 | ふかわりょう (Comedian) Fukawaryou | ¥31,000 | WATCH |
371 | June 8th, 1997 | 大友有一ディレクター Series Director Otomo | ¥29,000 | WATCH |
945 | March 8th, 2009 | 西田幸治(にしだ こうじ)[笑い飯] Nishida Kouji from Waraimeshi | ¥27,000 | WATCH |
597 | February 17th, 2002 | 木村祐一(きむら ゆういち) Kimura Yuuichi | ¥27,000 | |
463 | May 16th, 1999 | 宮迫博之(みやさこ ひろゆき)[雨上がり決死隊(あめあがりけっしたい)] Miyazawa Hiroyuki from AmeAgariKesshitai | ¥26,000 | WATCH |
736 | December 12th, 2004 | 千原ジュニア[千原兄弟] Chihara Junior from Chihara Brothers | ¥26,000 | WATCH |
340 | September 29th, 1996 | 磯俣拓生 Isomata Takuo (Downtown manager at that time) | ¥25,000 | |
456 | March 14th, 1999 | 蛍原徹(ほとはら とおる)[雨上がり決死隊] Hotohara Tooru from AmeAgariKesshitai | ¥19,000 | WATCH |
386 | September 21st, 1997 | 遠藤章造[ココリコ] Endou Shozo from Cocorico | ¥16,000 | WATCH |
300 | November 26th, 1995 | 菅賢治(すが けんじ) Series Producer Suga Kenji | ¥14,000 | |
680 | October 19th, 2003 | 品川祐(しながわ ひろし)[品川庄司)しながわしょうじ)] Shinagawa Hiroshi from Shinagawa-Shouji | ¥12,000 | WATCH |
565 | June 17th, 2001 | 山下しげのり[ジャリズム] Yamashita Genori from Jyarism | ¥11,000 | WATCH |
297 | November 5th, 1995 | 山崎邦正 Yamasaki Housei | ¥10,000 | WATCH |
312 | March 3rd, 1996 | 堤本幸男 Series Director Dotemoto ("Tsutsun") | ¥10,000 | WATCH |
325 | June 9th, 1999 | 中村喜伸 Legendary series producer Nakamura | ¥9,000 | WATCH |
355 | February 2nd, 1997 | 高須光聖(たかす みつよし) Takasu Mitsuyoshi(TV Scenario Writer) | ¥7,000 | WATCH |
I hope you don't take my involvement in your blog as a nuisance, but the reason for Reiji Nakagawa, as Matsumoto states at the beginning, is that the Gaki members and stuff are all exhausted because of the No Laughing project. Matsumoto continues that the Nakagawas are our go-to guys in times of difficulty. Now, the validity of that, we don't know. We know how Matsumoto is and Hamada is constantly laughing as Matsumoto speaks.
ReplyDeleteNot at all. Your comments are very helpful and appreciated. I've removed the line above in light of your excellent explanation, and can only say I'm thankful you'd even take the time to read this blog. Its purpose is not so much to convey information (there are several places it could be gotten much more reliably) but more personal enjoyment and study (or perhaps I should say struggle).